Registrations are open from 18/09/20 7pm to 27/09/20 11:59pm.
All teams can register, without any level, server or league conditions. If you don't know how to register, you can follow this tutorial.
Shortly after registration, access to the tournament server will be given on the participants' profile. Once logged in, it is possible to retrieve a Name Change Potion by changing of map. It is mandatory to use the nickname you entered when registering for the tournament.
The tournament rules include the general rules of the KTA.
It is strongly recommended to join the KTA Discord server.
All matches are played after a draft phase on the KTA draft module.
The time of the matches is the time of the draft. Teams are allowed a maximum of 10 minutes late to start the draft before they can be declared forfeit by their opponents. After the end of the draft, teams must have thrown the match before the forfeit time indicated on the draft.
All times are on UTC+2.
After each match, teams must report the result with a screen on their match sheet, available from the Matchs tab. In case of victory by forfeit of the opposing team, the result must also be reported with a screen of the draft not made and the time.
The qualifications are played in the format of Swiss rounds.
There are 14 rounds according to the following schedule:
- Tuesday 29/09 : 2 rounds
- Friday 02/10 : 2 rounds
- Sunday 04/10 : 3 rounds
- Wednesday 07/10 : 2 rounds
- Friday 09/10 : 2 rounds
- Sunday 11/10 : 3 rounds
Times are shown in the Calendar tab.
For each match, the draft letter for each match is determined as follows: if a team had less often the choice than its opponent in its previous matches, then it has the letter choice for the match. If both teams had so much choice in their previous matches, then the letter choice is randomly assigned.
A victory earns 3 Tournament Points, a draw earns 1 Tournament Point, a defeat earns no Tournament Points. Additional Points are also distributed as defined in the general regulations.
The classification criteria are in order of priority: Tournament Points > Percentage of Victory of Opponents encountered (PVA) > Additional Points > Direct result between the teams. Tie-break games will be held as needed on 12/10/20 8pm.
The 32 best teams in qualifiers are qualified in playoffs. These are structured around a classic combat tree, where the 1st fight the 32nd, the 2nd the 31st, etc.
The confrontations are played in 2 winning matches (BO3). The highest-ranked team in qualifiers has the draft letter choice in games 1 and 3, the other team has it in game 2.
The final is played in BO5.