
Blitz Cup - Streamer Edition

from 17/09/2022 to 18/09/2022


The Blitz Cup is a tournament for 8 invited streamers and their teams. The tournament is played in a Blitz format, so with accelerated drafts.


The winners get a Twit Shield.



Draft choices are reduced to 30 seconds.

The preparation time after the end of the draft is reduced to 15 minutes (the "forfeit" time displayed at the end of the draft cannot be changed, so 15 minutes less must be considered).

During the pools, the draw rule is lowered to the beginning of round 13 instead of the beginning of round 21.

In the finals, the first team to be in a numerical superiority situation from the beginning of round 13 wins the match.


The 8 teams are divided into 2 pools of 4 teams.

Each team plays all other teams in their pool in BO1.

The first match is at 3pm and the following matches are played when the teams have finished their previous matches.

The ranking criteria are: Tournament Points > Direct result between the teams (without taking into account the number of deaths) > Additional Points.

In case of a tie between 2 teams for first place, a Perfidious Boomerang challenge will take place.

In case of a tie between 2 teams for second place, a tie-breaking match will take place.

In case of a tie between 3 teams for first or second place, 3 1v1 matches will take place. Any player of the team can play the 1v1. The class will be given secretly to the organization. Once the 2 classes are known, the players will have 10 minutes to start the match. The classes can change from one match to another. If a new tie occurs after the 1v1, then a Perfidious Boomerang challenge will break the tie.


The 2 best teams of each pool are qualified for the final phases, played in BO3.

The semi-finals are launched at 3pm, the final will start when the 2 qualified teams have finished their semi-finals.