- The tournament has room for 500 players.
- The tournament is on the KTA server. An account with the 19 classes lvl 200 will be given to each participant.
- You will play with this account so there is no need to subscribe your own account.
- You have to rename the character with the name provided during your registration (Trangression to this rule will result in forfeit the tournament. )
- On this server you will have a benediction that provides you 1 AP, 1MP and 1 range.
- Swiss round system BO1 : Victory = 3 points, Lose = 0 point and Draw = 1 point.
- If a player is absent for the first match, then he will be forfeited for the tournament.
- If a match does not have a winner at the beginning of the 31st turn, then the result is Draw.
- After each match players need to fill in the results of their match on the KTA website (both of them so that the match is validated automatically) and include a printscreen of the end screen of the match. (2 warnings = elimination of the tournament)
- Surrender the match for whatever reason will result in a defeat
- You have 20 minutes to join the match after the start time has been given, if you do not join within this frame the match will result in your loss
- If you do not follow the rules, you will be eliminated from the tournament
- After the Swiss rounds, the matches will be with the BO3 format except the final that wil be in BO5
- If you have any questions feel free to ask them on Discord, in the channel " TarkanCup - Questions " : https://discord.com/invite/cpbR5Fv
- Be respectful of the other players, taunting and bad behavior will be sanctioned (possibly resulting in the removal from the tournament).
- People to contact if you have any problems during the tournament : Scoty / Adviitam / Ays / Scharka / Haz_humy
Global bans
You cannot equip the Death-Defying shield
The black-spotted dofus is forbidden
Sadida :
Due to unmatched power level and difficulties on our side to balance the class with restrictions, the class is banned for the tarkan cup.
Ecaflip :
All or Nothing is banned, you have to play with its variant Trickery.
Summoning stroke is banned, you have to play with its variant Summoning claw.
Steamer :
You are limited to 2 Turret on the field at the same time.
You can still play with 3 of them in your kit but you can only have 2 of them on the field at the same time.
Eniripsa :
Scalpel is banned you have to play with its variant Frightening Word.
Pandawa :
Inebriation is banned you have to play with its variant Drunkenness
Sram :
You cannot equip the Sparkling Silver Dofus
Roublard :
You cannot equip the Fugitive Hammer
You can use the spell Shot Pellets only once per turn
You can use the spell Boomerang daggers only once per turn
Enutrof :
You cannot equip the Domakuro
Iop :
You cannot equip the Dokoko and the Sylvan Dofus at the same time. You have to choose between the two of them for each of your set.
Osamodas :
You cannot equip a defensive shield (any shield that gives you % res melee or distance)
Thorn Crown is banned