
Tarkan Cup 6

from 30/07/2024 to 10/08/2024


  • Welcome to the 6th edition of the Tarkan Cup !
  • A PvP competition led by Tarkan and available on the KTA server !
  • This is an open tournament with a limit of 500 players !
  • The goal is to bring the trophy back home and get the best 1v1 player title from Garu (Last year winner as Rogue) !
  • All the tournament will be live on my Twitch channel :
  • Some of the games will be available as VOD on my Youtube channel :

  • Open for registration between the 23rd of July until the 29th of July (You need to have an account on the KTA website and then click on "Register")
  • Be careful and check the dates of the matches. Register yourself only if you are available for every date below (The hours mentioned below are based on France timezone, do not forget to convert to your own timezone) :

  •  Tuesday 30th of July at 8PM : 3 Swiss rounds

  • Thursday 1st of August 8PM : 3 Swiss rounds

  • Saturday 3rd of August 8PM : 3 Swiss rounds

  • Sunday 4th of August 8PM : 3 Swiss rounds

Tuesday 6th of August 8PM : last 32 & last 16 (BO3)

Thursday 8th of August 8PM : last 8 & last 4 (BO3)

  • Saturday 10th of August : Semi-final (BO3) + Final (BO5)


1° Place : 300 euros + 3 mois d'abonnement + x1 item batailleur

2° Place : 150 Euros + 2 mois d'abonnement

3° Place : 50 Euros + 1 mois d'abonnement

Le vainqueur affrontera Tarkan en Bo1 et remportera un bouclier Hitch s'il gagne + 100 euros en bonus !


  • The tournament has room for 500 players.
  • The tournament is on the KTA server. An account with the 19 classes lvl 200 will be given to each participant.
  • You will play with this account so there is no need to subscribe your own account.
  • You have to rename the character with the name provided during your registration (Trangression to this rule will result in forfeit the tournament. )
  • On this server you will have a benediction that provides you 1 AP, 1MP and 1 range.
  • Swiss round system BO1 : Victory = 3 points, Lose = 0 point and Draw = 1 point.
  • If a player is absent for the first match, then he will be forfeited for the tournament.
  • If a match does not have a winner at the beginning of the 31st turn, then the result is Draw.
  • After each match players need to fill in the results of their match on the KTA website (both of them so that the match is validated automatically) and include a printscreen of the end screen of the match. (2 warnings = elimination of the tournament)
  • Surrender the match for whatever reason will result in a defeat
  • You have 20 minutes to join the match after the start time has been given, if you do not join within this frame the match will result in your loss
  • If you do not follow the rules, you will be eliminated from the tournament
  • After the Swiss rounds, the matches will be with the BO3 format except the final that wil be in BO5
  • If you have any questions feel free to ask them on Discord, in the channel " TarkanCup - Questions " :

  • Be respectful of the other players, taunting and bad behavior will be sanctioned (possibly resulting in the removal from the tournament).
  • People to contact if you have any problems during the tournament : Scoty / Adviitam / Ays / Scharka / Haz_humy


Global bans

You cannot equip the Death-Defying shield

The black-spotted dofus is forbidden

Sadida :

Due to unmatched power level and difficulties on our side to balance the class with restrictions, the class is banned for the tarkan cup.

Ecaflip :

All or Nothing is banned, you have to play with its variant Trickery.

Summoning stroke is banned, you have to play with its variant Summoning claw.

Steamer :

You are limited to 2 Turret on the field at the same time.

You can still play with 3 of them in your kit but you can only have 2 of them on the field at the same time.

Eniripsa :

Scalpel is banned you have to play with its variant Frightening Word.

Pandawa :

Inebriation is banned you have to play with its variant Drunkenness

Sram :

You cannot equip the Sparkling Silver Dofus

Roublard :

You cannot equip the Fugitive Hammer

You can use the spell Shot Pellets only once per turn

You can use the spell Boomerang daggers only once per turn

Enutrof :

You cannot equip the Domakuro

Iop :

You cannot equip the Dokoko and the Sylvan Dofus at the same time. You have to choose between the two of them for each of your set.

Osamodas :

You cannot equip a defensive shield (any shield that gives you % res melee or distance)


Thorn Crown is banned