
Home Tournament 1

from 09/11/2020 to 10/11/2020


Welcome to Home Tournaments!

In parallel to the KT Finals, come and train on the tournament server in these small tournaments with no stakes.


Nothing, we play for pleasure!



The rules include the general rules of the KTA for applicable clauses.

Unlike the KTA classic tournaments, tournament accounts will be distributed upon registration and will be held until the end of the tournament, not withdrawn after elimination.

Multi-account is allowed.

The tournament consists of a single tree of 128 teams where each match is played in BO1.

All times are in UTC+1 time zone.

Home Tournaments being tournaments for fun and without stakes, we ask you to apply the rules intelligently and try to not create conflict.


Registrations are open on 09/11/20 from 14h to 19h30.

Registrations are independent of the classic KTA teams, it is possible to participate with any other player by choosing her/him from the registration page.

Registrations are accepted automatically as soon as each team member has accepted the team from their notifications, and the tournament accounts are distributed immediately (within minutes). The organization will be able to cancel registrations and ban players in the case of inappropriate terms in player or team nicks.


The tournament is played in two days:

  • Monday 09/11/20 : RO128, RO64, RO32 from 8pm.
  • Tuesday 10/11/20: RO16, RO8, semi-final and final from 8pm


The tree is constituted by a draw. If less than 128 teams register, automatic "Bye" victories will be randomly given to certain teams.

The tournament is in "self-management", each participant is responsible for its smooth running and the organization will intervene only if necessary.

It is mandatory for each team to enter the result of a match as soon as it is over. There are three scenarios:

  • if both teams enter the same result, then it is automatically validated
  • if only one team enters a result, then the result is automatically validated after 5 minutes without entering of the opposing team
  • if two different results are entered, then the organization will decide

Each day starts at 8pm, and there is no set time for the following games. These will be generated as soon as the two teams composing it are known, and must be played immediately.


A team can declare its opponents forfeit if :

  • they are not present on the draft at 8.10pm for the first game of each day
  • they are not present on the draft 10 minutes after having tried to contact them for the following matches
  • they are not ready to fight before the "forfeit" time indicated on the draft