The whole rules are described in this linked document, in french.
Here are the mane terms :
Participation in the Tournament is open to teams of three separate players from the DOFUS Touch community, each having a character of at least level 100 on one of the six game servers.
To register, each player must have an Ankama account that is certified in their name. They must then create their account on and follow the registration steps provided on this webpage:
If, during the finals, the Organizer discovers that a player is using an account that is not certified in their name, the team will be disqualified and replaced by the next best team. If you have questions concerning account certification, please visit the Support website:
It is still possible for the 3 players to cancel their membership in a team, which will then result in the team's automatic deregistration from the Tournament. Cancellations are carried out via the same website as the one used for registration and can be done until the registration deadline for the Tournament.
There is no substitution system for this Tournament. You know the dates and times when you must be available to play your matches. If you already know that you cannot be there, be a good sport and let someone else have your spot
Only one single registration per account and per person is permitted.
If a player is caught having registered several characters via several accounts, all teams including any one of these characters will be disqualified automatically and the player will be sanctioned across all of their accounts, including in cases where the cheating is discovered only after the Tournament has begun.
Similarly, if any character registers twice in different teams, both teams' registration will be canceled.
Anyone who fraudulently registers someone else without their permission or impersonates someone else will be sanctioned.
Participation in the Tournament is limited to 768 players, equal to 256 teams.
The first 256 teams to confirm their registration will be selected to take part in the Tournament. The other teams will be placed on a waiting list in chronological order from earliest to latest confirmation of their registration. If one or more teams are disqualified or unregistered before the end of the registration period, the first team on the waiting list will be selected and so forth.
The team and character names must comply with the rules set forth in Article 4.2.2 of the Terms of Use (hereinafter the "TOU"), or their team will be disqualified by the Organizer without the option to re-register.
Registration for the Tournament will begin at 3 p.m. (Paris time) on September 18, 2023, and go until 11:59 p.m. (Paris time) on October 1, 2023.
Participation in the Tournament is free of charge.
No other mode of participation will be accepted.
Registering under a false identity (particularly if your account is not certified in your name) or the identity of another person, providing false information, or registering under multiple identities will lead to the disqualification of the entire team.
Generally speaking, any participation that does not comply with the Regulations will lead to sanctions, up to and including the automatic disqualification of all team members, even when only one player is at fault, without the right to any compensation or indemnity of any kind. The Organizer reserves the right to perform any and all verifications of compliance with the Regulations at any time, without necessarily being required to systematically verify all players; the Organizer may notably limit such verification to Tournament winners. The Organizer reserves the right to put any prizes awarded to the team prior to its disqualification back up for play, or to withdraw those prizes from the prize list.
Simply by taking part in the Tournament, participants agree to their matches being streamed live or made available for later viewing on video hosting platforms (in particular, YouTube and Twitch).
Class duplicates are not permitted to appear together on any one team. Furthermore, registration of a team containing one of the following class duos is also not allowed:

- The Tournament takes place on a specific server open for the occasion and closed to spectators (except with special permission).
- Characters imported to the tournament server are blank copies of the original characters; only the name and class are retained. They are therefore completely new and unequipped.
- Characters are automatically raised to level 200 on the tournament server.
- The characters' characteristics are reset and raised to 100 by default, with 995 normal points to reallocate as they so wish.
- The characters have all of the class spells to use alongside the game's "common" spells at level 6.
- Characters have access to a pre-selected list of items with perfect stats, as well as a stable containing all Dragoturkeys at level 100.
- Incarnation weapons are not available.
- Smithmagic is not available on the tournament server
- Candy bonuses are disabled on the Tournament server.
- Characters receive a permanent bonus on the Tournament server, providing 1 extra action point (AP), 1 extra movement point (MP), and 1 extra Range (RA).
- Characters are free to reset their characteristics and spells between each match.
- When Tournament mode is activated, participants do not see the initiative order in the timeline, nor the position of their opponents on the map during the fight preparation phase. This information is revealed when all characters have clicked "ready" and the fight begins.
All times are Paris time.
How It Works
Qualifiers for the Tournament are based on a Swiss-style system of rounds. Ten rounds are scheduled for the following dates and times (all times are in Paris time):
Wednesday, October 11
- Round 1: Eniripsa map (9 p.m.)
Friday, October 13:
- Round 2: Iop map (9 p.m.)
Saturday, October 14:
- Round 3: Xelor map (7 p.m.)
- Round 4: Sadida map (9 p.m.)
Sunday, October 15:
- Round 5: Sacrier map (7 p.m.)
- Round 6: Rogue map (9 p.m.)
Saturday, October 21:
- Round 7: Eniripsa map (7 p.m.)
- Round 8: Ecaflip map (9 p.m.)
Sunday, October 22:
- Round 9: Foggernaut map (7 p.m.)
- Round 10: Sadida map (9 p.m.)
Each team must participate in the 10 rounds shown on the schedule. The times of the second rounds for each day are given for informational purposes only; the start of these matches may be delayed, for whatever reason. Participants must ensure that they are available on match days and must pay attention to any announcements made in the in-game "announcements" channel to begin their fights. They must be prepared to play at a slightly later time than that announced. A round will not be launched with a delay of longer than one hour. No delays or absences will be tolerated. Any team that is absent or late will be considered to have lost by forfeit (in the event of a repeat offense, the team could be eliminated from the tournament).
Each team independently manages its fights. Players are asked to launch the preparation phase for their match at the scheduled time, according to the given times for rounds, and to begin fighting within 5 minutes of launching this phase. A 10-minute grace period will be allowed, after which the only team present will be awarded victory by default.
After each fight, participants are responsible for filling out the end-of-fight form available at to indicate which of the two teams won the match.
Participants will need to be logged in to with the account used for the registering for the Tournament.
/!\ Entering the results is MANDATORY after each fight, and teams that do not do so, or that try to falsify the results, will be sanctioned (see "Rules and Sanctions"). /!\
If only one of the two teams fills out the form, the result provided by that team will be deemed correct. In the event of a dispute, checks will be performed, and any cheaters will be sanctioned.
Matching Process
Round 1 matching is done by random draw. From round 2 on, teams are matched depending on the number of points they have accumulated. Teams having accumulated the most points are matched first.
In the case of an odd number of teams in a points bracket, one team is matched with a team in the bracket below.
In the case of an odd number of teams in the lowest points bracket, one of the worst teams drawn at random is automatically awarded a victory. They do not fight in the current round but they get 3 points. The same team may not benefit from an automatic victory twice.
Insofar as possible, we avoid matching two teams who have already fought one another.
The random drawing of matches is carried out automatically by a software program.
Team Points
Teams accumulate points for each fight, according to the following rule:
- Victory: 3 points
- Draw: 1 point
- Defeat: 0 points
When a fight reaches the end of the 20th game turn (just before the counter changes to 21), it is stopped. If one of the two teams has a numerical advantage at that time (not including Osamodas' Spiritual Leash), it is the winner. If both teams still have the same number of characters alive, a draw is declared.
Draws will no longer be possible in the 10th round. These matches will inevitably be sudden death.
Advanced Points
A second value is used to determine the winning team in case of a draw: the win percentage (WP). This is the average % of victories by the various opponents encountered by the team (excluding automatic victories).
Note: If TeamPts / (3 × NbFights) < 0.33, then this value is replaced by 0.33. This particularity is used to lessen the impact of forfeits on the teams' WP.
Qualification Criteria
The 32 best teams at the end of the qualification stage will qualify for the finals.
The teams are ranked according to 2 criteria of descending importance:
1. A team's position in the rankings is determined in priority by the points they have accumulated.
2. In the event of a draw between multiple teams, the OWP (see "Advanced Points") is used.
The final stage of the Tournament will consist of a head-to-head, single-elimination bracket. Teams will face each other according to their ranking at the end of the qualification rounds: 1st versus 32nd, 2nd versus 31st, and so on.
A draw can no longer occur in this phase.
All matches will be played "best of three" (BO3), then BO5 from the semi-final.
Fights are scheduled for the following dates and times:
- Round of 32: Wednesday, October 25 (8 p.m. Paris time)
- Round of 16: Thursday, October 26 (8 p.m. Paris time)
- Quarterfinals: Friday, October 27 (8 p.m. Paris time)
- Semifinals: Saturday, October 28 (6 p.m. Paris time)
- Final: Sunday, October 29 (6 p.m. Paris time)
Starting from the round of 32, classes will be selected using a draft system. For newcomers, the draft system means bidding farewell to the original classes the teams chose, because it will determine the class make-up of each team. From this point on, the teams will have to go through a draft stage as follows:
- A forbids a class
- B forbids a class
- A chooses a class
- B chooses a class
- A forbids a class
- B forbids a class
- A forbids a class
- B chooses a class
- A chooses a class
- B forbids a class
- A chooses a class
- B chooses a class
A banned class cannot be used by any team. Conversely, a class chosen by a team cannot be chosen by their opponent. There can therefore be no class duplicates.
The draft phase will take place at the start of each match. After each draft phase, players will have the right to a 25-minute break before the next fight begins. At the end of each match, players have 5 minutes to start the draft phase of the next match. Players will also be permitted to change their equipment.
The initiative for the draft (A or B) will be chosen randomly via the KTA website.
For these draft stages, class change potions will be provided on the Tournament server (and obviously cannot be used on classic servers!).