
Gold Cup - Spring 2024

from 14/04/2024 to 28/04/2024


Welcome to the Gold Cup!

This tournament takes place during the Dofus Qualifier first days and is reserved for Gold League teams.

FullLife is sponsoring the tournament, thanks to them!


Winners: credit on tournament accounts of Battler Cloaks and Helmets V1 and V2 for the end of the season.

Finalists: a €50 FullLife capsule for each player.



The tournaments rules include the general rules.

All times are in CET.

The tournament takes place from 14/04/24 to 28/04/24 according to the schedule present in the Calendar tab. It is composed of 3 phases.

Participation is mandatory for Gold teams. In the event of non-participation, teams will be relegated to Bronze.

All matches are played in BO3.

The preparation time after the draft is 15 minutes.

Each Gold team must be in their assigned voice room on the KTA Discord server during each of their games (draft and preparation included). It is forbidden to receive any outside assistance from outside the team from the beginning of a draft until the end of the associated match.

The classic late rule applies: as soon as a team is late, its opponents can claim a win by forfeit.


A new feature introduced for this Gold Cup is the notion of advantages. There are 2 possible types of advantage, and each team in a match has one or the other:

  • the draft advantage is the choice of letter for matches 1 and 3 of a BO3. It is commonly used and is usually given to the best seed.
  • the map advantage is the ability to choose the map for match 3 of a BO3. This choice must be communicated to the organizers and opponents no later than 7pm the day before the matches. If no choice is made, the organization will impose a map. This is a new role.


The 6 teams play 1 confrontation with a random draw of the pairing.

The team on the left has the draft advantage and the team on the right has the map advantage.


The 3 winning teams from phase 1 form the Winner group, and the 3 losing teams from phase 1 form the Loser group.

In each group, teams play against the other 2 teams in the group. Each team has 1 draft advantage and 1 map advantage.

Additional Points are awarded for each match.

The ranking is defined as follows: Number of confrontations won > number of matches lost (lowest value takes priority) > additional points > direct confrontation.

In the event of a tie, tie-breaking matches will take place on 24/04 at 8pm.

The 3rd team in the Loser group is eliminated and is ranked 6th.

The 2nd team in the Loser group and the 3rd team in the Winner group are eliminated and ranked 4th ex-aequo.


A first confrontation takes place between the 2nd Winner team and the 1st Loser team. The Winner's team can choose between the draft advantage and the map advantage, while its opponents have the other.

A second confrontation takes place between the Winner's 1st team and the winner of the first BO3 to determine the Gold Cup champions. The Winner's 1st team can choose between the draft advantage and the map advantage, while its opponents have the other.