
20th Anniversary Tournament

from 11/08/2024 to 31/08/2024


20 years of DOFUS, 20 years of shared happiness, but also 20 years of fighting!

We know that players love to bash each other to prove who is the best. So, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the game, a grand tournament is being organized to etch your names in the History of the World of Twelve!


Except for the 'team's effigy' rewards, the prizes are for each player on the team.


  • 20 years of subscription
  • Champion's set
  • Champion's pet
  • Champion's costume
  • An exclusive title Banner Holder emote at the team's effigy
  • Kolossium combat map at the team's effigy
  • Next season's Kolossium rewards at the team's effigy
  • 20,000 kolossokens
  • Convention goodies pack
  • Physical trophy


  • 1-year subscription pack
  • Banner Holder emote at the team's effigy
  • 20,000 kolossokens
  • Convention goodies pack

Top 3-4:

  • 6-month subscription pack
  • 15,000 kolossokens
  • Banner Holder emote at the team's effigy

Top 5-8:

  • 3-month subscription pack
  • 15,000 kolossokens

Top 9-16:

  • 3-month subscription pack
  • 10,000 kolossokens

Top 17-32:

  • 1-month subscription pack
  • 10,000 kolossokens


The complete rules are available on the DOFUS website. This page only lists the main points.


The 20th Anniversary Tournament is played by teams of 3, with 1 possible substitute. Matches take place on a tournament server, where players have all the characters and equipment they need to take part.

The tournament is played in single-account.

The tournament is composed of 10 Swiss rounds and playoffs in double elimination for the 32 best teams, the schedule is available in the tab Calendar.

All times are in CET.

We strongly recommend that you join the KTA Discord server so as not to miss out on any information.

Teams & registration

To register for the tournament, click on the Registration button on this page. You'll need to set up your team first, and help is available here if you need it.

Registration is open from 18/07/24 at 5:00 pm until 01/08/24 at 11:59 pm.

Registration is done by indicating a server and a character nickname for each team member. Access to the tournament server will be given to the account corresponding to this character. Therefore, it is forbidden for this character to change servers or nicknames between the end of registration and the start of the tournament.

Since the 20th Anniversary Tournament is played partly with a fixed composition, you must choose the 3 classes of your composition. These classes must meet the following criteria:

Each class is worth points according to the following system:

  • 3 points: Sadida
  • 2 points: Eniripsa, Feca, Foggernaut, Ecaflip, Iop, Masqueraider, Sacrier
  • 1 point: Enutrof, Pandawa, Forgelance, Eliotrope, Osamodas, Sram, Ouginak, Xelor, Cra, Rogue, Huppermage
  • The team's total points must be a maximum of 5.

The substitute does not have an assigned class and can replace any class. Team members can also switch classes among themselves between matches: the only requirement is that the correct players play the correct composition, without any specific class assigned to each player.

Tournament server

Access to the tournament server will be given on the accounts entered at registration between the end of registration and the start of the tournament.

Server features:

  • The only area accessible is the tournament area.
  • Trading is not allowed.
  • Multi-accounting is forbidden.

Each participant's access to the server includes:

  • All 19 classes at level 200
  • A full set of equipment useful for level 200 PVP matches
  • A stable containing all mounts in the game at level 100
  • A set of cosmetics for capes, hats, pets, and mounts
  • An alteration granting 1 AP, 1 MP, and 1 Range

swiss rounds

The tournament begins with Swiss rounds qualifier. All registered teams have 9 matches to play over the first 3 days.

The Swiss rounds system matches by draw teams with the same number of wins and losses in each round. The draw for a round can therefore only be made once all the results of the previous round are known, so during match days teams only know their opponents shortly before the matches.

If there is an uneven number of teams in a points bracket, one team will be matched with a team in the bracket below. If there is an uneven number of teams in the lowest points bracket, one of the worst teams will be given an automatic victory (bye).

A team can be a maximum of 10 minutes late starting a match before the match is forfeited to the opponents. To start a match, it is necessary to be on the correct combat map and to contact the opponents in-game using the nicknames listed on the tournament team's sheet. A team that has forfeited twice is eliminated from the tournament.

A victory earns 3 Swiss points, a draw earns 1 Swiss point, and a defeat earns 0 Swiss points. Additional points are also awarded as defined in the KTA general rules.

The classification criteria are in order of priority: Tournament Points > Percentage of Victory of Opponents encountered (PVA) > Additional Points > Direct result between the teams > Best team defeated.

The PVA is calculated by dividing the sum of all the victories won by the teams encountered by the number of matches played by these teams. For example, after 3 rounds, if the teams encountered have 3/3, 2/3 and 0/3 victories, the PVA is 5/9 = 55.56%. A draw counts as half a victory in the calculation.

The PVA is used to illustrate the difficulty of a course, by giving the advantage to teams who have faced the strongest teams.


The 32 best teams in qualifiers are qualified in playoffs. These are structured around a classic combat tree, where the 1st fight the 32nd, the 2nd the 31st, etc.

The matches are in BO3 (best of 3) until the round of 16, then in BO5 (best of 5) until the final:

  • The first match pits the registered compositions of the two teams against each other
  • The next 2 or 4 matches are each played after a draft phase that determines the compositions played by the two teams. 1 draft is associated with 1 match, so the compositions change systematically

Particularities of the drafts:

  • The drafts are conducted on the KTA draft module. The matches of the teams in the final phase will be available on the homepage
  • Help on how the drafts proceed is indicated here
  • The drafts must begin within 10 minutes of the end of the previous match, without any delay possible
  • Once a draft is done, teams have 20 minutes to start the match in the round of 64, round of 32, and round of 16, and 15 minutes from the quarterfinals. It is advised to prepare equipment in advance to be ready on time
  • Not respecting the classes determined by the draft leads to immediate defeat
  • Not being present on time for the first draft means forfeiting the entire confrontation


The final will be played on Saturday August 31st at 4pm at the DOFUS 20th Anniversary Convention.

Ankama will pay for participants's accommodation and has a budget of €200 per player for travel expenses.

At least 2 members of each team must be able to attend the event. If a team is unable to attend, it will be disqualified and will not receive any award from the tournament. In this case, the team they beat in the semi-final will be called back for a retake. If this new team is unable to attend, then another team will be called back in the part of the tree of the absent team, with as criterion elimination phase > ranking in rounds.


From the 16th turn, the first team to have a numerical advantage wins the match (Golden Kill rule). During the Swiss rounds, with the exception of the last one, the matches finish at the end of the 20th turn, at which point the match is declared a draw.

At the end of all matches, including if an opponent forfeits, the teams must report the result on the KTA website (via the match list of the current round). Reporting false results will lead to sanctions.

It is forbidden to leave the preparation phase of a fight while being alone in the team.

If a team wishes to benefit from a forfeit victory due to an error made by its opponents, the team must inform the organization and opponents as soon as the error has been committed. Continuing the match without informing the organization and the opponents about the error means the right to win by forfeit has been waived.

Spectator Mode must stay open during all matches.

An incomplete team at the start of a match immediately forfeits the match.

There is no distinction of role between starter and substitute; any of the players can freely play the matches and the classes in the team's composition. For example, a team registered with Toto as Xelor, Bozo as Masqueraider, Death-Surpuissant as Sram, and Jecirelebanc as a substitute can play their matches with Death-Surpuissant as Xelor, Jecirelebanc as Masqueraider, and Toto as Sram. The same applies to drafts where the classes are not assigned to specific players.