First of all, it will be necessary to join our discord server in order to validate your registration and make your drafts.
- 16 teams maximum with 3 to 4 players each: NO MULTIACCOUNT
- Enter your team name and players on our Discord in the #inscriptions room
- Once the registration is validated, send your compositions in PM to Skyzio#5369 on Discord, paying attention to the order in which they are given, this will define the final order.
- Registrations : Tuesday 02/08 to Saturday 06/08
- Round 1 : Sunday 07/08 - 20h
- Round 2 : Tuesday 09/08 - 20h
- Round 3 : Thursday 11/08 - 20h
- Eight-final : Sunday 14/08 - 20h
- Quarter-final : Wednesday 17/08 - 20h
- Semi-final : Saturday 20/08 - 20h
- Finale : Sunday 21/08 - 20h
(all lines are Paris time)
- The matches are all played in BO3 with two winning games
- The draft phase starts at 8pm, the first match at 8.30pm and then a 20 minute wait between each match with a maximum delay of 10 minutes for each phase.
- Draft format :

- The time limit for attendance before the forfeit is 10 minutes: Max 20:10 before the draft is launched, 20:40 before the match is launched. In case of absence, the offending team will be considered as forfeiting the match.
- The matches are not movable. Due to the limited number of evenings available and the overlap with the Temporis 7 tournament, we have to impose fixed dates. Please check the calendars and make sure you are available on these dates.
- The entire BO must be played in full on the evening. There will be no postponement.
- Your presence on our discord is mandatory in order to reach you in case of problems (and for you to reach us)
- Disrespectful behaviour will be severely punished, ranging from a withdrawal of points to disqualification from the tournament.
- Anti-game behaviour (use of bugs, abusive game delay) will be sanctioned from a withdrawal of points to a disqualification from the tournament.
The main broadcast will be provided by our stream (, however there will be no exclusivity: it will be possible to broadcast the matches from inside and outside. Please contact us in advance so that we can list you as a partner stream.
Please note: We reserve the right to broadcast some matches, as well as the final. The aim is to share as many matches as possible.